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Steamed sweet dumplings

Steamed sweet dumplings


Dough for 4 dumplings:
  • 100 g Bake-Free Dough flour mixture
  • 100 g lukewarm water
  • 1 g black salt (optional)
  • 1 g coconut flower sugar
  • 25 g erythritol
  • 0.5 bag of powdered yeast (3.5 g)
  • the peel of half an organic lemon
  • vanilla extract or ground to taste
Other ingredients:
  • 1 g of coconut oil
  • sugar-free plum jam
  • half a serving of vanilla custard
  • ground poppy seeds


Mix the dumpling ingredients and leave it covered in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then roll out the dough on a dry surface into an 1 cm thick square. Cut it into 4 equal parts, put a tablespoon of jam in the middle of each and shape them into dumplings. Cover and steam for 20 minutes in a steaming dish (grease the bottom of the dish thinly with coconut oil so that the dumplings do not stick to it).
Serve the steamed dumplings poured with the vanilla custard and sprinkled with ground poppy seeds.

Steamed sweet dumplings

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