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Terms of service

  2. These General Terms and Conditions set forth the terms and conditions of the use of NATURTRADE HUNGARY Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság’s Webstore at
  3. The Webstore has been created to enable Consumers to purchase the Operator’s products via the Internet.
  4. Purchasing at the Webshop is made possible only by placing electronically submitted orders in the manner described in these GTC.
  5. The appendices attached to these GTC shall form parts of GTC, and the provisions thereof shall be interpreted in conformance to the provisions of GTC.

GTC: these General Terms and Conditions

Operator: NATURTRADE HUNGARY Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (registered seat: H-1108 Budapest, Gyömrői út. 140., company registration number: 01 09 300419, tax number: 23392218-2-42)

Product: Those goods and services that sold at the Operator’s Webstore, and can be ordered by the Customer


Webstore: An interface operated by the Operator at a website through which the Consumer can place orders for purchasing the Product. The services of the Webstore are accessible to any Consumer provided that they accept the terms of these GTC as binding.

Parties: the Operator and the Customer

Consumer: natural persons of full age who act beyond the scope of their professions, independent occupation or business, and purchase the Products via the Webstore.

Customer not qualifying as a Consumer: any such partner involved in the selling of Products who buys from the Operator, and sells the Product to specific Customers.

Customer: the Consumer and Customer not qualifying as a Consumer.

Shopping cart: a virtual list of Products selected by the Consumer

Act on e-commerce (Eker. tv.): Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues concerning on electronic commerce and information society services

Act on the Civil Code (Ptk.): Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code

Government Decree: Government Decree 45/2014 (Feb 26) on the detailed rules for contracts made by and between the consumer and the business


The provisions of these GTC shall apply to contracts concluded by and between the Operator and Customers.

The Customer shall keep its identification data, in particular its password, as required for the purchasing of the Product in such a manner that they do not become accessible to unauthorized third parties. The Operator shall not perform the identification of the Customer during the purchasing of the Product, and therefore the Operator shall not assume liability for any damage or additional costs incurred by the Customer with the unauthorized use of the identification data by any third party as necessary for the purchasing of the Product.

If the Customer wishes to use the services of the Webstore, it shall accept these GTC by selecting the associated checkbox at the website.

If the Customer does not accept these GTC, it cannot use the services of the Webstore; it is not allowed to register or place orders.


  1. Registration shall be executed by clicking on the “Create an Account” button of the “Login/Create an Account” menu, and entering the data on the registration interface. During the registration, the Customer shall provide the Operator with authentic, true data. Any damage caused to the Operator as a result of entering false data shall be indemnified by the Customer. Prior to registration, the Customer is required to become familiarized with the provisions of GTC. Registration may only be executed in case the Customer accepts the provisions of GTC as binding. After completing the data on the registration interface, the Customer shall confirm that it has consulted and accepted the provisions of GTC by checking the associated checkbox.
  2. The Registered Customer can have access to the “Login/Create an Account” menu by entering the e-mail address and password used during the registration by clicking on the “Login” button to purchase the Product at any time.
  3. If the registered Customer wishes to modify the data entered during the registration, it can make changes under the “My Account Settings” dropdown menu by clicking on the button on the header. Changes for each data can be finalized by clicking on the “Save Changes” button.
  5. The Customer may choose the Products it wishes to order from the Operator’s Products, in view of the product categories presented at the Website.
  6. In relation to any given Product, the product list shall specify
    ● description,
    ● parameters,
    ● article number,
    ● gross price.
  7. The Customer can select the number of items it wishes to order. After selecting the desired quantity, the Customer can place the Product in the Shopping Cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button.
  8. In the Shopping Cart, the Customer can accurately check the Product and quantity it wants to order. Similarly, the Customer can review the total value of the Products to be ordered in the Shopping Cart.
  9. The Customer can remove items from the Shopping Cart it does not intend to order by changing the value of “Quantity” next to the Product to zero and deleting the Product from the Shopping Cart by clicking on the “Update Shopping Cart” button.
  10. The Customer can see the expected shipping fee in the Checkout shipping section of the Website. After the shipping fee has been calculated, the Customer can choose a shipping option by selecting the checkbox next to the appropriate shipping option. The detailed shipping terms are shown in Section V of GTC, while the rules of payment are stipulated in Section VI of GTC.
  11. If the Customer has a valid coupon code carrying discount entitlement, it can be validated by clicking on the “Apply” button after entering it under the “Discount” field of the Checkout.
  12. When the Customer has reviewed all the Products in the Shopping Cart, it has selected the appropriate shipping option, and wishes to submit their order with the current contents of the Shipping Cart, they can continue to place the order by clicking on the “Check out” button.
  13. The next step is to enter the billing address, which can be implemented under the “Billing Address” menu. The “Billing Address” menu becomes automatically accessible by clicking on the “Payment” button. After entering the billing address, the Customer can proceed to the next step by clicking on the “Continue” button.
  14. By clicking on the “Continue” button, the “Shipping Address” menu is automatically displayed, and after the shipping data are entered, the Customer can click on the “Continue” button to proceed to the “Shipping Option” menu. By selecting the checkbox next to the appropriate shipping option and clicking on the “Continue” button, the Customer reaches the “Overview and Payment” menu.
  15. By clicking on the “Payment: Credit card” button under the “Payment” section, the Customer will be redirected to the payment interface of Stripe.
  16. Upon payment via the Credit card payment interface, the Operator will send a confirmation e-mail to the Customer. The date of the conclusion of the contract shall be the day when the confirmation e-mail arrives to the Customer’s e-mail inbox.
  17. The concluded contract does not qualify as a written agreement to be filed by the Operator, and therefore it will not be accessible thereafter.
  18. The language of the contract is English.
  20. Forms of receipt
  21. With respect to the ordered Products, the Customer may choose from • home delivery.
  22. The Customer may only apply for one form of receipt for the entire contents of the Shopping Cart.
  23. The Customer is required to pay a shipping fee based on each shipping option, as well as the size and weight of the ordered Products unless the free shipping threshold is reached. See free shipping thresholds under section 3.
  24. Home delivery
  25. The Operator performs home delivery by using courier services.
  26. Orders are processed and Products are shipped on business days.
  27. The ordered Products shall be handed over to the courier services within 10 business days following the payment of the purchase price, and the courier services shall deliver the Product within 2-10 business days worldwide. The purchase price shall be deemed to have been paid when the total amount has been credited to the Operator’s bank account.
  28. If the delivery of the Products cannot be executed for reasons attributable to the Customer, including, in particular, if the Customer cannot be found at the specified address at the time of delivery, the given time period shall be excluded from the lead time of delivery. If the Customer refuses to take over any Product without a well-grounded reason, the courier service shall return the ordered Product to the Operator’s warehouse. The Consumer may collect the Product at the Operator’s warehouse for an additional term of 45 days, for which period a storage fee shall be charged by the Operator. If it remains uncollected for 45 days after returning the Product to the warehouse, the Operator may withdraw from the contract. In the event of Operator’s withdrawal, the Operator shall return the amount reduced by the storage fee to the Customer.
  29. The courier services shall perform delivery in conformance to the provisions of their own respective terms and conditions of contracting.
  30. The Service Provider's courier services:
  • DPD Hungária Kft. H-1158 Budapest, Késmárk utca 14. Bld. B

Delivery terms of the courier service can be found at the following address:

  • DHL Express Hungary Ltd. H-1097 Budapest, Fehérakác u 3.

Delivery terms of the courier service can be found at the following address:

  1. Free shipping
  2. Free shipping thresholds only for specific EU countries and the UK only for DPD shipping carrier:


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR

Czech Republic

99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR


99 EUR

United Kingdom

99 EUR


150 EUR


150 EUR


150 EUR


150 EUR


150 EUR


  1. Terms of payment
  2. When purchasing Products, the form of payment available to the Customer shall be payment via Credit card by Stripe.
  3. By selecting the “Credit card” option in the “Payment” section at the Checkout, the Customer will be redirected to payment interface of Stripe. By entering its e-mail address and password on the payment interface, the Customer will be able to make the payment of the approved purchase price and shipping fee.


  1. Customer complaints may be filed at any of the following Customer Services addresses: In person: H-6725 Szeged, Szabadsajtó utca 54. or by post to the same address: Via e-mail:
  2. Customer complaints may be sent in writing by post or e-mail. Minutes shall be taken in relation to complaints presented in person, verbally at the Operator’s Customer Services, one copy of which shall be handed over to the Customer.
  3. The Operator shall investigate the Customer’s complaint without fail, no later than 30 days, and inform the Customer in writing by mail or e-mail of its opinion regarding the complaint.
  4. Should there be a dispute between the Operator and Customer concerning the conclusion and performance of the contract, the quality of the Product, product safety, and the application of the rules of product liability, it is possible to settle the dispute by way of extrajudicial dispute resolution. Such matters shall fall within the competence of the reconciliation bodies. The reconciliation body is responsible for trying to make a settlement between the Parties in order to resolve the consumer dispute, or otherwise – when such efforts remain ineffective –this body shall decide on the matter in question, in order to ensure a simple, quick, efficient and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. The reconciliation bodies are independent bodies standing for the county-based (Budapest) chambers of commerce and industry. The reconciliation body that is competent at the consumer’s address or place of residence shall be deemed as the competent authority. In the absence of the Consumer’s address or place of residence, the competence of the reconciliation body is to be determined with respect to the seat of the enterprise concerned in the consumer dispute. On the basis of the Consumer’s related request, instead of the above-mentioned competent body, the reconciliation body indicated in the Consumer’s request shall be accepted as the competent organization of reconciliation.

Data of the reconciliation body that is competent at Operator’s seat:
Budapest Reconciliation Body (BBT)
Address: H–1016, Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.
Telephone: +36 1 488 2131
Fax number: +36 1 488 2186
E-mail address:

  1. In the event of any breach of consumer’s rights under Act CLV of 1997 on consumer protection and Act XLVII of 2008 on the prohibition of unfair commercial practices against consumers, the Customer may contact the Consumer Protection Authority. The consumer protection supervisory authority of the county government office shall act as the consumer protection authority of the first instance. Contact information of the Pest County Government Office’s Division for Technical Authorization and Consumer Protection:
    Address: H–1135 Budapest, Lehel utca 43-47.
    Mailing address: H–1365 Budapest, Pf.: 270.
    Telephone: +36 1 236 3937, +36 1 236 3978, Fax: +36 1 236 3956

In order to settle the dispute between the Parties at court, in the form of litigation, the Parties may appeal to the court having jurisdiction in conformance to the provisions of Act CXXX of 2016 on the code of civil procedures.


  1. The Customer qualifying as a Consumer has the right of withdrawal without cause within 14 days following the takeover
    • of the Product,
    • of the last Product delivered when ordering several products, and the products are delivered at a different time,
    • of the last item or unit in the case of a single product consisting of several items or units,
    • of the first service if the product has to be delivered regularly over a specific period of time
    by the Consumer or a third party appointed by the Consumer, other than the Operator. In addition, the Consumer has the right to exercise its right of withdrawal during the period between the date of the conclusion of the contract and the date of the receipt of the product.
  2. The Consumer may exercise its right to withdraw
    • by using the form of the declaration provided on the website; or
    • by way of its unambiguous statement relating to the exercise of such right.
  3. The Operator shall provide a technical facility for the exercise of the right of withdrawal at its Website.
  4. The right of withdrawal shall be deemed to have been enforced in due time when the Consumer’s declaration of withdrawal has been sent before the expiry of the time limit for withdrawal.
  5. The Customer is required to demonstrate that it has exercised the right of withdrawal as defined in this Section.
  6. If the Customer qualifying as a Consumer has withdrawn from the contract, the Operator is required to reimburse the total amount paid as valuable consideration by the Customer within 14 days following the date of the withdrawal.
  7. In the case of withdrawal, the Operator shall reimburse the amount due to the Consumer with the application of the form of payment that is identical to the one used by the Customer unless the Parties agree on a different form of reimbursement. If the Consumer specifically chooses a form of transportations other than the least inexpensive form of shipping, the Operator is not obliged to refund the resulting additional costs.
  8. The Operator shall withhold the amount due to the Consumer until the Consumer has returned the Product, or has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it has sent the Product back.
  9. If the Consumer withdraws from the contract, it shall be required to return the Product without fail, but no later than 14 days after notice of withdrawal, or hand over the same to the Operator at its Customer Services unless the Parties agree on a different form of the product return. The Consumer shall bear the direct cost arising from the return of the Product. In order not to harm the Product, the Customer shall send the Product back to the Operator in the original package or in the same package as the original.
  10. The Consumer shall be liable for any value impairment as a result of use in excess of the extent of use that is needed for the determination of the nature, properties, and operation of the product. Try of the Product may not exceed […] hours of work. The Operator is entitled to examine the Product, which was sent back by the Consumer immediately, and entitled to decrease the amount of purchase price to be reimbursed with the net of depreciation caused by as a result of use in excess of the extent of use that is needed for the determination.
    • The Consumer may not exercise its right of withdrawal as per the provisions of this Section with respect to:
    • perishable products or products preserving their quality for a short period;
    • products in sealed packaging that cannot be returned after being opened following delivery for sanitary or hygienic purposes;
    • products that – by their very nature – are inseparably mixed or blended with another product following delivery;
    • the selling of audio and video recordings in sealed packaging, or copies of computer software in case – following delivery – the Consumer has opened the packaging;
    • newspapers, magazines and periodicals.


  1. General data, contact information
  2. Data of the Operator

The Operator operates and maintains the Internet-based webstore under the URL.

Company name: NATURTRADE HUNGARY Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Registered address: H-1108 Budapest, Gyömrői út. 140
Company registration number: 01 09 300419
Court of registration: Company Registry Court of the Tribunal Court of Budapest
Tax number: 23392218-2-42
Bank account number: 10800007-30000000-14324054

  1. Contact details of the Operator's customer services

Address of the customer services: H-6725 Szeged, Szabadsajtó utca 54.
Telephone: +36 30 820 5160
Customer service hours: 8:30–15:00 from Monday to Friday
E-mail address:

  1. Accessibility of GTC

This GTC is accessible in a downloadable format at the website.

  1. Scope of GTC

This GTC shall be valid for an indefinite term starting on its effective date.

This GTC shall be applicable to all such product sales within the territory of and beyond the borders of Hungary that are transacted via the electronic purchasing interface that can be found on the Website.

This GTC, as well as the contractual relationship between the Operator and Customer, shall be subject to the laws of Hungary, in particular the Civil Code and the Act on electronic commerce. If Hungarian law cannot be applied to any element of the contractual relationship of the Parties based on the provisions of any international legal norm, international contract, or convention, the given issue shall be governed by the requirements of the associated international legal norm, international contract or convention, with the additional condition in connection with those aspects of the relationship of Parties that are not affected by the associated international legal norm, international contract or convention Hungarian law shall prevail.

  1. General data, contact information
  2. The unique IT and technological solutions, as well as certain image elements of the Website, shall qualify to be the Operator’s creations protected by copyrights, and therefore be subject to the Operator’s exclusive right of disposal; their use or adaptation to any extent shall be lawful solely with the Operator’s prior consent.
  3. The Customer is obliged to use the technical functions of the Website solely for the intended purposes. The Operator warrants that the IT system running at the Website operates safely, and that its use does not pose any threat to or cause damage to the Customer’s computerized equipment or installed software. The Operator cannot assume any liability for damage that the Customer suffers from the fault or malfunctioning of its computerized equipment or software, or because the Customer’s IT system has been attacked by any malicious software (viruses, spyware). The Customer is required to take all measures that are reasonably expected in the given situation to make its own IT system suitable for the intended use of the service for shopping via the Website, and in particular execute the due updates of its software, operating system, as well as the application of proper protection against malware.
  4. The Operator has the right to modify the provisions of this GTC by way of its declaration at its own discretion. Such modification of GTC shall not affect the orders that are in progress at the time of the modification. The Operator shall notify the Customer of all modifications of GTC in the form of an e-mail. Before its first order following any modification of GTC, the Customer is obliged to become familiarized with the provisions of the modified GTC. Orders may be placed only if the Customer has accepted the effective provisions of GTC as appropriate for the effectuated modifications as binding. The Customer has the option accept the provisions of GTC as appropriate for the effectuated modifications by placing the first order after modification.

Budapest, February 2023

Appendix 1


Right of withdrawal/cancellation

The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days, without cause.

Time limit for withdrawal/cancellation

  1. a) in the case of contracts relating to the selling and purchasing of products: the time limit shall expire in 14 days following the day when the product is taken over by the Consumer or a third person appointed by the Consumer from the transportation agent;
  2. b) when more products are supplied: the time limit shall expire in 14 days following the day when the last product is taken over by the Consumer or a third person appointed by the Consumer from the transportation agent;
  3. c) when a product consisting of several items or units is supplied: the time limit shall expire in 14 days following the day when the last item or unit is taken over by the Consumer or a third person appointed by the Consumer from the transportation agent;
  4. d) in the case of contracts relating to a regular supply of the product within a specific period of time: the time limit shall expire in 14 days following the day when the first product is taken over by the Consumer or a third person appointed by the Consumer from the transportation agent;

If the Consumer intends to exercise its right of withdrawal/cancellation, the Consumer is obliged to send its unambiguous declaration indicating its intent of withdrawal/cancellation to the Operator in the manner defined in Section V of GTC.

For this purpose, the form of declaration of withdrawal/cancellation provided in Appendix 2 hereto may be used.

The Consumer shall be deemed to have exercised its right of withdrawal/cancellation in a timely manner in case its declaration of withdrawal/cancellation is sent before the expiry of the time limit.

Legal consequences of withdrawal / cancellation

If the Consumer withdraws from the contract, the Operator shall promptly, but no later than 14 days following the receipt of the declaration of withdrawal is obliged to reimburse all the valuable considerations having been provided by the Consumer, including the costs of transportation, with the exception of extra costs that have been incurred with the Consumer’s choice of any form of transportation in deviation from the most inexpensive, usual form of transportation offered by the Operator. During such reimbursement, the Operator shall apply a form of payment that is identical to the form of payment used for the original transaction unless the Consumer has given its express consent to the use of any other form of payment. As a result of the use of such a form of reimbursement, the Consumer may not cover any extra cost.

The Operator may withhold the reimbursement until the product returned by the Consumer arrives, or the Consumer confirms that the product has indeed been returned, whatever is earlier.

If the Consumer has taken over any product based on the contract, the Consumer shall return or hand over the product without any unjustified delay, but no later than 14 days following the communication of its declaration of withdrawal. This deadline shall be deemed to have been observed in case the Consumer returns the product before the expiry of the 14-day time limit.

The direct costs of returning the product shall be borne by the Consumer.

The Consumer may be made liable for any value impairment of the product only if it has occurred as a result of use in excess of the extent of use that is needed for the determination of the nature, properties, and operation of the product. The Operator is entitled to examine the Product, which was sent back by the Consumer immediately, and entitled to decrease the amount of purchase price to be reimbursed with the net of depreciation caused by as a result of use in excess of the extent of use that is needed for the determination.

The Consumer may also complete the form of the declaration of withdrawal/cancellation by downloading it from our Website or submit any other declaration clearly expressing its intent of withdrawal/cancellation. If the Consumer decides on this latter form, the Operator shall promptly confirm the receipt of the declaration of withdrawal/cancellation via electronic mail.


Appendix 2


In the case of any intent of withdrawal/cancellation, you are kindly requested to complete and return this Form to the address of Customer Services defined in Section IV/2 of this GTC.


I, the undersigned ................................................... hereby represent that I wish to exercise my right of withdrawal/cancellation with respect to the selling and purchasing of the following product(s): (Please name the product or service contemplated in your contract here)


Date of contracting/receipt: (Please enter the appropriate details here)


Name of the consumer:


Address of the consumer:


Signature of consumer: (only for hardcopy declarations)

