Med 29. novembrom in 2. decembrom 20% popust na izbrane izdelke s kodo za popust BW24! Izdelki vključeni v promocijo: Cupster instant testenine Cupster instant juha Bake-Free mešanice...
Symptoms, Causes of Celiac Disease, and the Gluten-Free Diet Celiac disease, also known as gluten intolerance, is a complex autoimmune disorder that develops due to the consumption of gluten, particularly...
The Benefits of a Vegan Diet: Discover the Vegan Lifestyle! The vegan diet is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, with many believing that adopting a vegan lifestyle offers numerous benefits. However,...
Mill & Folks traditionally concludes the year with a company lunch before the holidays. It is also a tradition for our CEO, Miklós Véha, to deliver a year-end speech before...
Sestavine: Za skorjo za pito: 300 g mešanice moke za sladke in slane piškote Bake-Free + 2 g za pomokanje modela 85 g sladila 1:4 35 g kokosovega olja 2...
Sestavine: Za pecivo: 130 g globoko ocvrtega somuna - mešanica moke za krofe Bake-Free 130 g mlačne vode 3 g himalajske soli česen v prahu, mešanica začimb za pico po...
Sestavine za 6 kosov: Za testo: 140 g mešanice moke za rezance Bake-Free 110 g vode 2 g himalajske ali parajdi soli ščepec črne soli Druge sestavine: 50 g domačih...