Wysyłka do Niemiec i Austrii zaczyna się od zaledwie 6,90 €

Wysyłka do Wielkiej Brytanii zaczyna się od zaledwie 9,90 €

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Napędzani przyszłością o zerowej emisji

Jako jedna z największych firm dostawczych w Europie, DPDgroup stara się zmniejszać swój wpływ na środowisko, aby poprawić codzienne życie mieszkańców miast na całym świecie. Aby to osiągnąć, wprowadzamy w naszych flotach pojazdy dostawcze o zerowej i niskoemisyjnej emisji, a także wdrażamy inicjatywy mające na celu redukcję emisji i innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie dostaw, aby zmniejszyć ślad węglowy każdej dostarczanej przez nas przesyłki.

  • Ponad 100 inteligentnych rozwiązań w zakresie dostaw miejskich wdrożonych w całej Europie

  • 9% wzrost liczby punktów odbioru w sieci DPDgroup

  • 82% naszej floty spełnia co najmniej normę Euro 5

Zobowiązanie się do dostaw w 100% neutralnych pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla

Gdziekolwiek nazwiesz dom, mamy tylko jedną Ziemię. Właśnie dlatego DPDgroup angażuje się w walkę ze zmianami klimatycznymi przy każdej dostawie przesyłki. Robimy to poprzez precyzyjny pomiar naszego śladu węglowego na paczkę, ograniczanie go w każdy możliwy sposób i kompensowanie pozostałych emisji poprzez finansowanie projektów w zakresie czystej energii na całym świecie.
Rezultatem jest dostawa przesyłek w całej Europie w 100% neutralna pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla. Wszystko to bez dodatkowych kosztów dla naszych klientów.

  • W 2019 r. dostarczono 1,3 miliarda paczek neutralnych pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla

  • -14% redukcja emisji CO2 na paczkę (w porównaniu z 2013 r.)

  • 100% kompensacji naszej emisji energii z transportu i budynków w 2019 r. (1 046 184 ton CO2)

Dbamy o planetę

Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. Not just for us, but for our customers, our customers, our employees and society. Europe's largest parcel delivery network of Europe's largest parcel delivery network, we put it at the heart of everything we do. DPDgroup's sustainability measures go far beyond the carbon emissions of our fleet and vehicles. decarbonisation. We are using new technologies to improve every aspect of our business to make every aspect of our business more sustainable. From switching to renewable energy in our buildings to to investing in recycled packaging and reusing as many materials as possible. maximise the use of as many resources as possible. By offering sustainable solutions, we ensure that their impact is transformative. As a result of this commitment to sustainability, DPD Hungary has also joined the international plan to become an international reference for sustainable transport. an international standard for sustainable transport. Our strategy aims to reduce emissions throughout the entire parcel supply chain throughout the entire supply chain. by 2025 we will emit 83% less greenhouse gases, and at DPDgroup level 15 000 alternative fuel vehicles will be used to deliver parcels. The remaining carbon emissions emissions will be offset by clean energy projects. These renewable energy investments at international level. In India, the installation of wind turbines to provide local populations with energy for the whole year, and in Brazil biogas turbines in Brazil. By 2025, we will have 100% of the energy in 5 cities in Hungary (Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Győr). low emission vehicles. The Sustainable Urban Transport project project, the procurement of electric and alternative propulsion vehicles is ongoing, in addition to the car fleet, the expansion of the fleet of freight bicycles with own resources, and The sustainability of direct parcel delivery is a key element of the modernisation of our buildings is a key priority. 40 chargers in our depot and a fast charger in our distribution centre building a fast-storage battery. We plan to open our first urban depot in the heart of Budapest in the near future.
In March 2022, the "Breath" air pollution monitor was launched In the first phase of the project, nearly 120 air pollution measuring stations will be tested in Budapest. sensors were installed in Budapest. Of these, 20 were installed at our depots in Budapest, at our packet point operators and and strategic partners, and 100 on our last-mile delivery vehicles. at the last mile. The sensors enable us to measure the particulate matter of 2.5 PM in size. and the information collected is transmitted to the public and decision-makers in the and decision-makers, in the hope of accelerating sustainable and conscious transport and in Hungary. Our sustainability commitment is also being scored. EcoVadis is the world's largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability certifications. We are the world's largest and most trusted sustainability information to help us make better business decisions for our people, the planet and the environment. planet and communities. EcoVadis was rated 68/100 by GeoPost/DPDgroup in their most recent assessment of EcoVadis with a Gold rating of 68.68 points. This makes the company the global leader in postal, courier and multimodal in the top 6% of companies operating in the postal, mail and multimodal freight transport sector globally. EcoVadis also awarded a platinum rating to our parent company, the La Poste Group. With this award is awarded to companies that have achieved the highest standards in raising sustainability standards. commitment and effectiveness in raising the standards of sustainability. In December 2021, La Poste Group was also recognised by the Carbon Disclosure Project for its carbon performance. emissions and awarded an A rating to the transport, banking and insurance and banking sectors. Also noteworthy is the fact that emissions emissions were specifically mentioned in La Poste Group's 2021 Carbon Disclosure Project.